It is hard to believe when your own kids are growing up, getting through elementary school, now almost completely done with middle school and into high school. Yikes....! But when boys become young men and you are photographing these young men for their senior pictures, its
hard for me to believe that just 4 short years ago these young men were playing baseball with our youngest son Clayton. Let me introduce Blaine to you. Blaine is very special to me because we share the same birthday, so I never forget when he turns another year older! At age 13, Blaine stood about 5'8" and weighed probably 150 pounds. Let me introduce an even more
special young man to you, our youngest son Clayton. Clayton at age 9 stood about 3' 6" and weighed probably 60 pounds. Clayton has grown up playing baseball for the Buckeye Valley Youth Baseball Association, and this particular year, Clayton and Blaine both played, and played against each other. Blaine was a pitcher (an incredible player), and Clayton was up to bat. Every time Blaine pitched, Clayton would back up slightly, because that ball was coming
across the plate extremely fast. Steve and I would laugh and tell him to step up to the plate and hang in there. He looked at us as if he were saying, "are you crazy?" I don't remember if Clayton ever hit off of Blaine, (probably not), but I know for a fact Clayton caught a fly ball in center
field that Blaine hit, so it was quite exciting. After the game was over, I had to have a picture of Blaine and Clayton standing next to each other, and here is that picture!

I went through my photo archives and found it. Needless to say, here's my "little" Blaine who graduates in June from Buckeye Valley. He did awesome and I was honored to be able to photograph him.